AGU Fall meeting section OS008: High-Resolution Imaging of the Deep Seafloor: Acquisition and Processing

12/09/2013 08:00

Dear Colleagues,

We would like to invite submissions to the following session. The deadline for abstract submission is August 6th through the AGU Fall Meeting website

OS008: High-Resolution Imaging of the Deep Seafloor: Acquisition and Processing

The increased availability of deep-water surveying vehicles to science has meant a dramatic increase in the amount of data being collected. These diverse datasets are increasing in size and resolution as we get closer to the seafloor, and present new challenges for scientists. With dozens of ROV/AUV surveys taking place every year, discussion of new processing and mapping techniques is timely and important. We invite papers from all high-resolution under-water surveying disciplines, including but not limited to: navigation, multibeam bathymetry/backscatter, sidescan sonar, synthetic aperture sonar, photogrammetry, software development and geophysical surveys, focusing on the path from raw data to finished product.


Isobel Yeo (GEOMAR) [email protected]
Nico Augustin (GEOMAR)
Dave Caress (MBARI)
Tim Le Bas (NOC)