AGU Fall meeting section B015. Carbon Transformations in Hydrothermal Systems

12/09/2013 08:00
12/16/2013 18:00

B015. Carbon Transformations in Hydrothermal Systems
Section/Focus Group: Biogeosciences (B), Co-Sponsors: Mineral and Rock Physics (MR), Ocean Sciences (OS), Volcanology, Geochemistry, and Petrology (V)

Description: Hydrothermal systems have influenced the Earth’s environment since the Archean and represent a primary link in the transformations of carbon between geosphere, hydrosphere, and biosphere, with important implications for the evolution of the Earth’s atmosphere. While our understanding of inorganic processes in marine and terrestrial hydrothermal systems has increased substantially over the past decades, abiotic and biotic carbon cycling remains much less understood. This session aims at bringing together studies dedicated to the investigation of biological, geochemical, and mineralogical processes that influence organic and inorganic carbon transformations in present-day, fossil, submarine (ridge-to-trench), and terrestrial hydrothermal systems.

Invited speakers:
Esther Schwarzenbach (Virginia Tech)
Jill McDermott (WHOI)
Doug LaRowe (USC)
William Brazelton (U. Utah)

Conveners: Frieder Klein ([email protected]), Eoghan Reeves ([email protected]), Florence Schubotz ([email protected]), and William Orsi ([email protected])