IMBER Open Science Conference, Bergen, Norway

06/23/2014 09:00
06/27/2014 16:00

Future Oceans - Research for marine sustainability - multiple stressors, drivers, challenges and solutions

Call for Sessions and Workshops

The Integrated Biogeochemistry and Ecosystem Research (IMBER) Project is convening its Open Science Conference from 23-27 June 2014 in Bergen, Norway, with the goals of:
· highlighting research results from the IMBER project and activities,
· promoting integrated synthesis of IMBER research, and
· developing a science plan and implementation strategy for the next phase of IMBER research.

The first day of the IMBER Open Science Conference will be devoted to topical workshops that address aspects of IMBER science. The following three and half days of plenary and contributed sessions will focus on the main achievements of the IMBER project and provide a basis for planning future initiatives.

The biogeochemistry and ecosystem research community is kindly invited to contribute proposals for sessions and workshops related to the goals of the IMBER Open Science Conference. Workshops and topical sessions that focus on integration across IMBER research themes, results from IMBER Working Groups and Regional Programmes, and IMBER-relevant research at the interface of natural and human sciences are especially encouraged.

Session and workshop proposals should include a short description of the proposed topic, convener(s), format (e.g., oral, poster, discussion with panel, world cafe), and potential number of participants. Workshop proposals should also include clearly defined outputs, such as a research paper, a special issue in a leading journal, or a position paper. Innovative formats that promote strategic thinking and new ideas are especially encouraged.

Proposals should be sent to [email protected] by Friday 15th March 2013. Each proposal will be evaluated by the Scientific Organising Committee.
Notification of proposal acceptance will be in late April 2013. The open call for presentation abstracts will be advertised from early May 2013.

IMBER science is structured around four research themes:
More information on the IMBER Open Science Conference: