
火曜日 10月 23, 2012
火曜日 11月 13, 2012
Start: 11/13/2012 09:00

Major objectives for the workshop are to:

Engage with current researchers, including students
Provide hands-on training in observatory data access and data visualization
Receive input and suggestions on data access and data products
Review progress in benthic ecology research using the NEPTUNE Canada and VENUS cabled networks
Coordinate future research activities and develop strategic funding options for observatory research activities.

Details: http://www.neptunecanada.ca/people-community/bbl_workshop.dot

水曜日 11月 14, 2012
Start: 11/13/2012 09:00
End: 11/14/2012 17:00

Major objectives for the workshop are to:

Engage with current researchers, including students
Provide hands-on training in observatory data access and data visualization
Receive input and suggestions on data access and data products
Review progress in benthic ecology research using the NEPTUNE Canada and VENUS cabled networks
Coordinate future research activities and develop strategic funding options for observatory research activities.

Details: http://www.neptunecanada.ca/people-community/bbl_workshop.dot