Serpentine Days workshop, Porquerolles Island, Southern France

09/02/2012 08:30
09/06/2012 08:30

The meeting "SERPENTINE DAYS", sponsored by the French Mineralogical Society (SFMC) and the Deep Carbon Observatory (DCO), will be held in the welcoming island of Porquerolles (France) from the 2nd to 6th of September, 2012. This will be an international meeting, with English presentations dealing with crystallochemistry, rheology, thermodynamics, origins of life, magnetic properties and societal implications. Please, feel free to spread the information and to regularly consult the page dedicated to Serpentine days on the Society website ( for further information. Important dates concerning abstract submission and registration are listed below. Please do not hesitate to tell us your intention to attend the meeting by sending an e-mail to [email protected].

Important dates:
- March, 1st 2012: opening of abstract submission
- May, 3rd 2012: deadline for abstract submission (deadline extended)
- May, 15th 2012: opening of registration
- June, 15th 2012: end of early registration

The organizing committee
Muriel Andreani, LGL-Lyon ([email protected])
Anne-Line Auzende, IMPMC-Paris ([email protected])
Isabelle Daniel, LGL-Lyon ([email protected])
Adélie Delacour, GET-Toulouse ([email protected])